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Showing posts from January, 2018

Science and I

Science and I did not start off so great. I went to an elementary school that decided putting social studies and language arts in one group and science and math into another group was a good idea. So when third grade came around and it was time to learn those infamous multiplication tables. My teacher told me I would have to memorize them or I would never excel in science. I am sure most people participated in the "get all these right within a certain time limit and win your next sundae topping." I was that kid with just a bowl and a scoop of ice cream, thank God they gave you the spoon. It wasn't until fifth grade that I realized how much of an idiot my third grade teacher was. (she was also very mean) Fifth grade was a year filled with learning about cloud formation, weather, plants. the water cycle, the effects the BP oil spill had on the environment, and so much more. My point is I did not need to spit out what seven times six was to my teacher. As time progressed and