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Showing posts from February, 2018

Climate change

Climate change is a pretty popular topic and is often misrepresented or construed to fit the biased of the author. To the untrained eye this graph can look accurate, however, once you dive deeper into it a lot of problems arise.  This ad supposedly came from the National Climatic Data center and is claiming 2012 has been the hottest year on record. First of all lets talk about the x-axis, that is not even labeled and the years have no order to them. The y-axis is not labeled as well and offers no units of measurements. Is it Fahrenheit? Celsius? Kelvin? No one knows and we can only assume it might be Fahrenheit because the graph insinuates this data is from the U.S. Also why does this only include U.S. data? Now are we the only ones experiencing climate change? In this graph it is also clear to see the authors viewpoint by skewing data in that direction and making the data for the year of 2012 red and appear significantly larger than the rest.With climate change being a pretty majo