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Showing posts from April, 2018

Helping People Understand Science

Figure 1,  PEW Research Center          Science can be a very broad topic under a huge umbrella but, is very important to understand when applying it to today’s society. Often the significance of science is underrated and overlooked. We should ask ourselves why this is a popular phenomenon, is there a lack of education? Is science too difficult to understand? Does society not care enough? Or is it a combination of all these things.  When we look at the data from the Pew Research Center in Figure 1, specifically on climate change, there is a huge gap in the U.S. adults and AAAS scientists who think climate change is mostly due to human activity. This data is alarming considering there is so much accessible evidence on this topic. Scientist are considered more knowledgeable on the subject, however, their views seem to hold no important significance. Why is this when there are resources out there that reach to the public and explain our global issues efficiently.  Figure 2,